Friday, June 20, 2008

long time no talk

So I have been a blurr as of late, in and out.....of town. Been some good trips and some great trips. Went to my cousin's wedding in Ohio, to Austin to hang with Bonesucker, and to Oklahoma for work. Of course all the trips to the Springs to see the Kimchi. Trips still yet to come this summer are Dayton, Ohio for their 21st and TITS, Tampa Bay maybe and then only for 1 night, Vegas baby for a weekend, I also know of a trip to washington state but that is for work. I am sure there will be others too.

So I went down to Austin for the weekend to hang with Bonesucker. She informs me that we are going to get a peticure and a wax job saturday. Turns out the peticure was ziplining and the wax job was a ropes course. Can we say F'ing awesome. It was a blast and I highly recommend doing this. I must say that Bone did much better on the ropes course than I did. She rocked, especially her tarzan move, jumping out to a rope and swinging to the other side.

It has been a tiring year so far and I do not forsee any slowing down for a while. But I love it, traveling seeing friends and new places. And yes this is a boring blog right now.


ESPN said...

Yay, an update! Miss you!

Jerri said...

Watch out for that tree!!!

Not So Silent Bob said...

Why yes, yes I do...I haven't forgotten don't worry.

Happy Sock said...

Good to see you at the Kimchi hash. I have pics posted on my page, plus the link to view them all. Hope to see you again soon!