Friday, May 23, 2008

NC/SC finally

Well, I have been running late on the post NC/SC blog. In one short sentence I can some it up...Do not let monkeys within 10 feet of each other. That is the summary. Oh yeah never let me have access to knives or hammers when playing Beruit Tippy -3 man.


Outdoorgirl said...

What about explosives?

Jerri said...

I think explosives were on the original list... but if not, they should be. We have discussed the possibility of HTH and brake fluid, but will not outlaw it until we first make headlines....

Take monkey's phones away after 10pm....

Not So Silent Bob said...

Roman candles don't count as explosives right? I never had the benefit of other monkeys though. Actually I think that monkey's phones should be taken away after the 5th jager bomb just to be on the safe side. Of course these rules only apply when monkeys are at the same event.