a Kimchi Trasher
I saw this video the other day and was amazed. However...it doesn't take a lot to amaze me...I do have some blond streaks.
We all knew about your blond streaks. You still look at ceiling fans don't you?
I thought this was pretty darn cool!
Hey Geek up date your blog or something....
Yeah there is a Jeep Dealership that forms an add for the unlimited using that tech. Pretty cool w lighting adding
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I saw this video the other day and was amazed. However...it doesn't take a lot to amaze me...I do have some blond streaks.
We all knew about your blond streaks. You still look at ceiling fans don't you?
I thought this was pretty darn cool!
Hey Geek up date your blog or something....
Yeah there is a Jeep Dealership that forms an add for the unlimited using that tech. Pretty cool w lighting adding
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